Thank you to all 143 respondents who completed our survey. This was a huge response with a large amount of valuable information. It confirmed the great local interest in our market and your wish that it continues. We hope this will therefore give stallholders more confidence to come to the market, which in turn will attract more people to the market, thus bringing more stalls, and so on. To give you a brief summary of the results of the survey:
Respondents nearly all agreed that the market benefits the community in one or more ways.
81% of you agreed that the market is a valuable shop window for local groups, clubs etc, while
76% agreed it provides local people a chance to buy quality produce you could not otherwise obtain locally.
76% of you agreed that the income the community receives from the market provides valuable community benefits, and
75% of you felt that the market was a good place to meet socially -
60% also finding it a valuable opportunity to meet your Councillors/MSP/MP.
On average only 5 or 6% disagreed with any of these statements.
While it is heartening to have so much positive feedback, we need to turn that into visitors to the market - where you will find things you want to buy. We therefore asked what would make the market more attractive:
97% of you asked for a fruit and veg stall
92% asked for a cheese stall
85% asked for a butcher's stall
80% asked for somewhere to sit and enjoy the company of friends and/or eat and drink your purchases
From the next market on 22 August we will therefore have tables and chairs to sit at, and this market will also have more stalls than last month. We are working on the butchers, a cheese stall and also on the fruit and veg.
We asked if people found the market too expensive, but encouragingly a majority said no. The main feeling was simply that we need to attract more stalls - which of course means that we need more of you to be customers for those stalls. Apart from produce stalls, however, a number of you emphasised the community aspect of the market and asked if we can carry information on local clubs, activities, etc. We'd be happy to do this and will gather this information - but also, if you have information on your club/activity etc then please feel free to drop it off at the market.
We had some great input on how we can advertise and market more, and we'll also follow up on these. Please do "like" our market and Community Council (JGCC) Facebook pages in order to keep yourself up to date with local events and matters affecting our community
JG Market: https://www.facebook.com/Junipergreencc
JGCC: https://www.facebook.com/junipergreencouncil
JGCC general website: www.junipergreencc.org.uk/
Thank you again for your support of our market and we sincerely hope we will see you this coming Saturday 22 August and on the fourth Saturday of each month thereafter. Please note that if you have not yet completed our survey, you can do so at https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/Z2KJD8K