First environmental clean-up organised by the community to clear the areas of the Baberton footpath, golf club car park, primary school and Bloomiehall Park
Found on the scene of the crime: broken glass, bottles, cans, paper, plastic bags, parking cones, sweet wrappers, three shoes (two matching), a kitchen waste bin, an iron hoop off a barrel, a football, cigarette butts and polystyrene food containers. Picking over the crime scene and gathering evidence with the meticulousness of seasoned detectives: pupils from Juniper Green Primary School with their parents, Juniper Green and Baberton Mains residents and members of Juniper Green Community Council.
The bad habits, character and motives of the perpetrators gave plenty of scope for imaginative, even lurid, speculation as volunteers for the first environmental clean-up organised by the community council set to with litter pickers and bags to clear the areas of the Baberton footpath, golf club car park, primary school and Bloomiehall Park of assorted rubbish on the morning of Saturday 29th May. Over twenty bin bags were filled in two hours by thirty four people whose ages ranged from very young to getting on a bit.
Most of those involved were new to litter picking, were surprised at how enjoyable a social event it was, and, indeed, wanted to know when the next one would be. Actually, it’ll be when the leaves are off the trees and we can see all the nasties decently covered at present by foliage.
Many thanks to Juniper Green Primary School and all the volunteers, to City of Edinburgh Council Officials who provided kit, back-up, waste collection and advice, and for help and advice from the Water of Leith Conservation Trust.
The next Juniper Green/ Baberton Mains clean-up will be even better. If you live in the locality, we’d love to see you there.
Richard Watt